Volunteer at School
While many parents enthusiastically volunteer during the elementary school years, their involvement often begins to wane in the middle grades and lessens even more so throughout high school. While the nature of high school volunteer opportunities may differ from those at the elementary level, the need for parental involvement is—in many ways—more critical than ever.
At CKM, parents are a welcomed part of the school and there are many possible ways for them to become involved. Parents may serve on school governance entities (such as the School Site Council), provide support to a sports team, or chaperone a field trip.
Many clubs need adult volunteers. Parents are invited to volunteer and chaperone special club activities such as Drama, Junior State of America, Speech and Debate, and Academic Decathlon as well as ASB (Associated Student Body)-sponsored dances during the school year.
The Sacramento City Unified School District sets forth policies that schools follow when recruiting and engaging volunteers.