

Photo collage of CKM ASSETs classroom and three outdoor events

ASSETs (After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens) is an expanded learning program providing high quality, youth driven out-of-school-time opportunities to students enrolled at CKM.

We offer enrichment, for-credit courses and non-credit courses to students in all grades as well as academic mentoring and educational development programs.

Join our google classroom to find information about the program and our 0 and 7th period classes.

College and Career Center


CKM’s College/Career Center, located upstairs in Room 205, offers various resources and workshops to help students explore college and career opportunities.

Access is offered to materials, scholarship and financial aid information, assistance with resume/cover letter writing, and self-assessment tests that help CKM students determine their skills and interests.

Student Support Center


Dedicated to academic success, the Student Support Center (SSC) located in Room 28A offers a wide range of social, emotional, and health resources to help students thrive.  The SSC’s provide a spectrum of integrated support that spans the areas of youth development, family services, academic enrichment, health and mental health.  Targeted primarily to low-achieving students, SSC services address critical student needs that pose barriers to learning. 

Services include:

Title IX/Harassment


The Sacramento City Unified School District is committed to provide an educational environment free of unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature including sexual advances, requests for sexual favor, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal law. Sexual harassment includes verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature which may have a negative impact upon the victim’s academic or work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational/work environment.